Supporting organisations, artists, scientists, young minds and innovators to improve our communities

Recent Projects
Every year we select a number of projects to support, projects that we believe will make a significant contribution to our community and the people that live in it.
These include a mix of ongoing commitments as well as new and unique projects. Below are some of the most recent projects we have been involved in.

A Focus on Community
Historically, medical research and community health have received the majority of our support. However, we have now expanded our interests across many other areas of need, such as our programmes for youth in higher education, arts and culture as well as many other community activities.
Our operations are based on the income derived from investing the proceeds of the sale of the Roskill Masonic Village in 2005. Since the sale we have made donations of over $15 million in the name of the Freemasons of New Zealand. The Trustees aim to give away over $1m each year to over 50 charity projects.

Proudly supporting the World Choir Games 2024
The Freemasons Foundation supports significant change-making projects that bring people together to make New Zealand (and the world) a better place. Together, the World Choir Games and the Freemasons Foundation share a joint belief that singing together brings nations together. This partnership will give some of Auckland’s less-advantaged secondary school choirs the opportunity to participate in this inspiring, enriching event.
Visit www.wcg2024.co.nz

Trees for Survival and Freemasons Foundation
Trees for Survival approached us several years ago with a proposition to help them in their quest. Our relationship has now developed into a true partnership of good for our community.

Proudly supporting the World Choir Games 2024
The Freemasons Foundation supports significant change-making projects that bring people together to make New Zealand (and the world) a better place. Together, the World Choir Games and the Freemasons Foundation share a joint belief that singing together brings nations together. This partnership will give some of Auckland’s less-advantaged secondary school choirs the opportunity to participate in this inspiring, enriching event.
Visit www.wcg2024.co.nz

Charitable Support in Action
Freemasons Foundation is a charitable organisation founded in 1956 to develop and run the Roskill Masonic Village. The Foundation has evolved from an aged care village into an organisation that now provides support to many community organisations. This philosophy of supporting a strong and healthy community is shared with Freemasonry.
We provide financial support to registered charities, supporting organisations, artists, scientists, young minds and innovators to improve the communities we live in. Our logo represents this concept of supporting the growth of a strong and healthy community – with flax a symbolic representation of the Freemasons Foundation woven into the fabric of our organisation.